In 2010, after Jim
Galbreath, Unit 2, became a silent key, Blackberry REACT dedicated an
annual award to honor members of our community who had committed their
to volunteering including community and emergency communications, which
was beyond what
might be normally expected of a volunteer. The Team received several
donations on behalf of Jim, and those funds have been earmarked for
this award.
Jim was a Scout Master for Troop 80 in Mountain View for 41 years and
during that
time, he became interested in radio communications (he was a radio
officer in World
War II) and introduced it to his scout troop in the form of CB radios.
In 1978, he joined a REACT Team, Blackberry REACT, and served as
President for
several years. During parades and other functions, Blackberry
REACT worked with the police to monitor the crowds and give assistance
to those who
needed it. Before cell phones were readily available, members monitored
radio communications both day and night to assist travelers and others
who needed
help. Over the years, hundreds of people were helped by Jim and the
other Blackberry
REACT members. In honor of his commitment to Volunteering, the
Community, and Emergency
Communications, Jim was posthumously awarded the first "Jim Galbreath
Award" in 2010, which continues
to be awarded annually to deserving community members.